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DataX is a data design agency, helping businesses understand what their data is saying and how to use it.

We are specializing in enterprise analytics and data visualization.

Insightful Reporting

Your business has the data. You just need to fully understand what that data means, and how best to use it. We provide clear, concise reporting that breaks down learnings in a way that our clients can understand. Full visibility – so you can see how what we do impacts different areas of your business success.

Digestible Dashboards

Data insights can be overwhelming if not designed and presented in a way your key stakeholders understand them. We pride ourselves on making that process easy. Our tailor-made dashboards give full visibility across your data.

Data-Driven Approach

Having the data is one thing, but turning that data into actionable insights is another. We know what it takes to do that. We interpret the data your business generates and turn it into meaningful and tangible results. Data first, that’s where we differ from other agencies. And that’s why our clients stay with us.

Rely on the Data

Your data is only valuable if it helps people make important decisions and take action. Insights driven by data analytics are the drivers of positive changes within the present-day organization. However, how can we identify the most vital insights into the data of our business and communicate the same in a convincing way? How can we link the data which we have to the major underlying business matter?

We use data to take the guess work out of critical design and decision-making. Our experienced strategists work with our clients to arrive at insights from the data that inform strategic business decisions and deliver higher ROI from your business activities.

Our Services

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Ready To Do More With Your Data?

If you have questions or you’re ready to discuss how DataX can help you evolve your organization, talk to our Consultant today.